Series 65 Study Material
Are you looking for Series 65 study material?
We have the best Series 65 study material available anywhere. Are you preparing to pass the Series 65 exam and just aren’t quite getting it, or have you already taken the exam and failed. Good news! Our instructor Suzy Rhoades has been teaching people across the country exactly what they need to know to pass the Series 65 exam once and for all.
Does your Series 65 study material mirror the test?
It sure does. In fact, our course was entirely created based upon the Series 65 exam outline as published by the NASAA. Below you will find the four areas of concentration of the exam, followed by the exam outline:
- Economic factors and business information
- Investment vehicle characteristics
- Client investment recommendations and strategies
- Laws, regulations, and guidelines on unethical business practices
Click below to view the exam outline:
“I finally passed! I have taken this exam twice before – 3rd time is a charm! The Series 7 was easier than this test!!!!! The past 65 study materials I used weren’t very helpful. Your program was easy and enjoyable. I really liked the 30-minute videos. I was able to log on at odd times of the day and night and feel like I accomplished something in an hour or less!!!”
Key Fact focused Series 65 study material
The Series 65 exam is so broad. How do you know what to really focus on as you slog through the wasteland of material? Easy. Suzy has put together targeted videos for you to review at the end of each section of the course. Each bullet point is a likely Series 65 exam question, and what you need to know about that concept to answer the question correctly. They also work as a great review just before you take your exam. Check out a sample video below.
“I wanted to let you know that I passed the exam yesterday. A little over a month ago, I failed after using that “other” company’s materials. It was your videos that made all the difference. The test was awful again, but it was all your tips that pulled me through. Suzy was great, so if she is ever in NY have her send me an e-mail and I would happily buy her a drink. Thanks a lot!
P.S. When I was leaving, I asked the proctor how do people generally do on the 65 and she said not even half the time do they pass the exam.”
How do you know our Series 65 study material is the best? Check out a full-length sample lecture video from the course below. You can also take a FREE Series 65 exam to see exactly how our practice/final exams are formatted. Of course, you can also check out our Series 65 student testimonials. Feedback from real people who are passing the Series 65 test.
Series 65 Exam Questions Explained
Each week on Wednesday we post a new Question of the Week video on our YouTube page. Check out this QOTW video in which Suzy explains 10 exam questions. Visit our YouTube page, follow and turn notifications ON to view future QOTW videos when posted.

Series 65 study material with Suzy Rhoades
Of course, if you are really serious about passing this exam we have a course for you. Join Suzy as she teaches you everything you need to know to pass this difficult exam. Suzy crafted a precise course aimed at those with no background in the securities industry. Want to know more about our Series 65 study materials? Select the Securities Exam Prep option from our available courses drop-down.