
1035 Exchange

A 1035 exchange is a tax-deferred exchange between similar contracts. 1035 exchanges are allowed from life insurance into life insurance, an annuity into an annuity, and life insurance into an annuity. If an investor takes cash surrender from an annuity and uses it to purchase life insurance this exchange is not allowed under section 1035, but would instead be a taxable event.

1035 Exchange

Section 1035 of the Internal Revenue Code allows cash surrender on a tax-deferred basis when moving cash between certain insurance products. The insured cannot better their tax position under a Section 1035 exchange.

12b-1 Fees

12b-1 fees are asset-based sales charges used to reimburse a fund for sales and advertising expenses. For a fund to call itself a no-load, it must have a 12b-1 fee of no more than ¼ of 1% of net assets. The maximum allowable 12b-1 fee is ¾ of 1% of net assets. 12b-1 fees are operating expenses that have the effect of lowering dividends. They are often referred to as trailer fees because they will affect the investors’ yield for as long as they own the shares.


Qualified retirement plan for a private business. Generally set up by large companies. It is possible to set up a Solo 401(k).


A qualified retirement plan for public school employees and non-profit organizations, also referred to as a TSA (tax-sheltered annuity).

529 Plan

Almost every state offers a Section 529 plan. 529 plans are also known as qualified tuition plans. They are savings accounts for education expenses. Any person may fund a 529 plan. The term 529 plan includes both prepaid tuition plans and college savings plans. A prepaid tuition plan requires the student to attend a specific school, whereas the college savings plan monies can be used anywhere. There are only a handful of states that still offer prepaid tuition plans, and the plans vary by state. 529 plans may be set up for anyone of any age. Once established for a beneficiary, the account owner can change the beneficiary but only to a family member of the original beneficiary. Earnings in a 529 plan are income tax free when the distribution is for qualified educational expenses.

ABLE Account

The Achieving a Better Life Experience Act of 2014 allowed states to create tax-advantaged savings programs for people with disabilities (designated beneficiaries). These 529A ABLE accounts are designed to provide a way for families to save money for disability-related expenses. Distributions are tax-free if used for qualified disability-related expenses. There are annual contribution limits that vary by year and maximum account balances that vary by state. The contributions made are not federally tax deductible but may be tax deductible at the state level. Anyone of any age and income level can contribute to a 529A account.

Absolute Assignment

A permanent change of owners rights.

Accelerated Death Benefits

An insurance policy with an accelerated death benefits provision will pay – under certain conditions – all or part of the policy death benefits while the policyholder is still alive. These conditions include proof that the policyholder is terminally ill, has a specified life-threatening disease, or is in a long-term care facility such as a nursing home. By accepting an accelerated benefit payment, a person could be ruled ineligible for Medicaid or other government benefits. The proceeds may also be taxable. Accelerated death benefits are also known as the living benefits rider.


One of the four elements required to have a legal contract. Acceptance is often made by the underwriter after reviewing the applicant’s application. The underwriter may make a counter-offer, in which case acceptance is made by the applicant.

Accidental Death Benefit Rider

When the accidental death benefit rider is added to a life insurance policy if the insured dies from an accident double or triple indemnity will be paid to the beneficiary. This rider also will provided a lump sum benefit if the insured becomes blind from an accident.

Accredited Investor

An accredited investor is a term that is defined under Regulation D, rule 501. Accredited investors can purchase private placements. An individual can meet the definition of an accredited investor in one of two ways. First, based upon their adjusted gross income. An individual is considered an accredited investor if they have an adjusted gross income above $200,000 in the preceding two years and reasonably expected to be so this year if single, or over $300,000 if they are married filing jointly. The second way an individual can meet the definition of accredited investor is by having a net worth above $1 million, excluding the value of their primary residence. The net worth calculation would include the assets of a spouse and any minor children, but not adult children or friends.

Accrued Interest

Accrued interest is the interest that has accumulated between the recent payment and the sale of the fixed-income security. At the time of the sale, the buyer pays the seller the bond’s price plus accrued interest. Accrued interest is calculated by multiplying the coupon rate by the number of days that have elapsed since the last payment.

Accumulation Period

The accumulation period of a variable annuity is the time period before the annuity is annuitized. There is always a beneficiary during the accumulation period. During the accumulation period, the variable annuity is valued in accumulation units.

Accumulation Unit

An accounting measurement that represents an annuity contract owner’s proportionate unit of interest in the separate account during the pay-in period, before the contract has been annuitized.

Acid Test Ratio

The acid test ratio is also known as the quick ratio. It is the most stringent measurement of a company’s liquidity. The formula for the quick ratio (acid test) is current assets minus inventory divided by current liabilities.

Active Portfolio Management

An active portfolio management strategy attempts to time the market. Technical analysis is used to determine which securities to buy and sell, and when. The active style of portfolio management has higher transaction costs than a passive approach.


Insurance policies are contracts of adhesion. This means that if there is a lawsuit related to ambiguity in the contract it will always be decided in the interest of the insured, the insurer must stick to that interpretation. If they had wanted it interpreted otherwise they should have been more clear.

Adjustable Life Insurance

Combining whole life and term insurance adjustable life insurance allows the insured to adjust the premiums to fit their economic conditions.

Adjustable Rate Preferred Stock

Both floating rate and adjustable rate preferred stock have dividends that may be adjusted, the difference is the reference benchmark. Adjustable rate preferred stocks’ most common benchmark is the rate associated with Treasury bills or the federal funds rate. The calculation of the dividend and the linked benchmark rate is set when the shares are issued. The dividend payment is based on the benchmark, plus a fixed spread, which is primarily a reflection of the issuer’s credit risk. The dividend typically has a minimum rate and a rate cap, to prevent the issuer from having to pay inordinately large dividends.

Adjusted Gross Income (AGI)

A person’s AGI comes from their income tax return. AGI is gross income minus certain adjustments to income such as deductible IRA contributions and net capital losses. AGI is the basis for determining a person’s taxes owed.


The Administrator is the person responsible for administering a state’s securities laws.

Admitted Insurer

An admitted insurer can legally do business in a state. The insurance company must meet the state’s legal and financial requirements to be an authorized insurer.

Adverse Selection

Adverse selection occurs when only bad risks sign up for life insurance. Group policies have participation percentages to prevent adverse selection.


An advertisement is any material designed for use by newspapers, magazines, radio, television, telephone recordings, or any other public medium to solicit business. Advertising may not be sent to clients considering a new issue unless accompanied by a prospectus.

Affiliated Person

As defined by the Investment Company Act of l940, the term affiliated person of another person includes any person directly or indirectly controlling, controlled by, or under common control with, such other person.

Affordable Care Act

The Affordable Care Act was enacted in March 2010. The law has 3 primary goals: make affordable health insurance available to more people, expand Medicaid to cover all adults with income below 138% of the federal poverty level (not all states have expanded their Medicaid programs), and support innovative medical care delivery methods designed to lower the costs of health care.

Agency Basis

Agency basis refers to a transaction in which the broker-dealer acts for the client, charging a commission on the transaction. The broker side of broker-dealer.

Agency Cross Transaction

An agency cross transaction is a transaction in which the investment adviser represents both the party buying and the party selling the security.

Agency Debt

Debt obligations of agencies of the Federal government are referred to as agency debt. This debt is not a direct obligation of the U.S. government. Ginnie Mae debt is the only agency issue that is backed by the federal government. Agency debt can be in the form of notes or bonds issued at face value and carry a stated interest rate payable semi-annually. Often called indirect debt.


An agent is an individual who affects securities transactions for the accounts of others. Agents most commonly represent broker-dealers. An individual representing an issuer in the sale of non-exempt securities or through non-exempt transactions would also be required to register as an agent. Most states require a series 63 license to register in that state as an agent. This individual is also referred to as a registered representative when they hold either a Series 6 or Series 7 license.


An insurance company representative licensed by the state who solicits and negotiates contracts of insurance, and provides service to the policyholder for the insurer. An agent can be an independent agent who represents at least two insurance companies or a direct writer who represents and sells policies for one company only. Agents are also referred to as insurance producers.

Aggressive Growth Portfolio

An aggressive growth portfolio is characterized by a high turnover of holdings and attempts to cash in on higher-risk rapid capital appreciation situations.  Aggressive growth portfolios are unsuitable for clients looking for income since they pay low to no dividends.

Aggressive Investment Policy

An aggressive investment policy concentrates on maximizing return. Such a policy entails increased risks, such as buying on margin, using options, and buying stocks with high beta factors.

Aleatory Contract

Insurance contracts are aleatory, the outcome depends upon chance.

Algorithmic Trading

Algorithmic trading uses computer programs to determine which securities to buy and sell and when. Most high frequency trading is driven by algorithms.

Alien Insurer

An alien insurer is one whose home office is in another country, but that is doing business in this state.

All-or-None (AON) Underwriting:

All-or-none is one form of best-efforts underwriting.  The underwriter agrees to sell all the shares or none of them. Commissions will not be paid unless the offering is completed.

All-or-None Order

An all-or-none order is one in which the broker must execute all of the order in one transaction or it will be allowed to expire.


Alpha is the rate of return that is more than that which is predicted by an equilibrium model, such as the capital asset pricing model. A positive alpha is desirable.

Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT)

The alternative minimum tax is a tax computation system that high-income earners may be required to determine. When calculating the AMT certain items, called tax preference items, are disallowed.

American Depository Receipt

American depository receipts are used to facilitate U.S. trading in foreign corporations. The ADR trades in the United States and is denominated in U.S. dollars. ADRs are used to diversify an investor’s portfolio.

American Style

Calls and puts are option contracts that may be exercised by the owner anytime the contract has intrinsic value, this is referred to as an American style option. European style options can only be exercised at expiration, if in the money.


To amortize a debt is to pay the principal down over a period of time in periodic installments.

Annual Renewable Term

An annual renewable term insurance policy provides a fixed death benefit and premium for one year. To renew the policy the insured must pay the next year’s more expensive premium. There is no physical exam required to renew annual renewable term insurance.


A person who receives the payments from an annuity during his or her lifetime.


The annuitant is the annuity contract holder.


An annuity is a contract between an insurance company and an individual (the annuitant).  An annuity generally guarantees lifetime income to the person on whose life the contract is based in return for a lump sum or a periodic payment to the insurance company. Annuities offer tax-deferred earnings during the pay-in period. They may or may not be annuitized. If an annuitant dies without annuitizing their beneficiary will receive either the balance in the account or the premiums paid in, whichever is higher.


A contract that provides a periodic income at regular intervals, usually for life.

Annuity Period

When an annuity is annuitized the monthly payments for life begin. There may or may not be a beneficiary during the annuity period, it depends upon the annuity payout option selected. During the annuity period, the variable annuity is valued in annuity units.

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