Series 65 Practice Exams
Series 65 Practice Exams – Where can I find some?
We have over 2,300 Series 65 practice exam questions for you. Are you looking to pass the Series 65 exam? If that is the case, you have found a goldmine or the holy grail to Series 65 test prep.
Each practice exam question has been carefully crafted to ensure it is as exam-specific as possible and includes not only a written but an audio explanation. What is an audio explanation? It is an audio file of an instructor explaining the question to you in mp3 format.
Do your Series 65 questions mirror the exam?
They sure do. Within our course, you will find topic and section exams in addition to a final exam that matches the exact weighting of the actual exam outline. Below you will find the four areas of concentration of the exam, followed by the exam outline:
- Economic factors and business information
- Investment vehicle characteristics
- Client investment recommendations and strategies
- Laws, regulations, and guidelines on unethical business practices
Click below to view the exam outline:
“I followed the program and passed the first time! I am now studying for the Series 63 and then plan on taking the Series 6. My company offers incentives to use other online programs, but upon reviewing the manner they present their material and the content, there’s no comparison. I will continue to be a PassMasters client.”
Track your exam performance
Each time you complete a practice exam in our system your progress is provided in an engaging manner which makes it easy for you to track your progress. For each exam in our course, you will know exactly what you scored on your first attempt, what you scored last time you completed it, what your average score is and how many questions you have seen for that exam from that exam’s question bank.
See the graphic below to see all the data at your disposal in our program:
How many questions are on the Series 65 Exam?
- 130 test questions
- Multiple-choice format
- 3-hour time limit
- 92 out of 130 questions correct to pass
- $187 cost of the exam
“I passed the exam on the first attempt thanks to your videos and study materials. Everything you said to look out for was on the test, and I was able to complete the whole thing in about 45 minutes. It was like the answers just jumped out at me after using your study materials. I’ll definitely use you again if/when I take future exams.”

Are your Series 65 Practice Exams exactly the same as the real test questions?
No. Absolutely not. Trust us, you will not find anyone selling a copy of the Series 65 exam. First off, there are thousands of questions in the testing company’s database. Just before you start your exam, their system actually randomly generates your exam for you. You cannot memorize any providers Series 65 practice exam questions and pass this exam. You must understand the underlying concepts the exam questions are based upon.
Are our questions similar to the ones you will see on the exam? You bet! If you can pass our practice/final exams with a 90% or better understanding why the correct answer is correct and the incorrect answers are incorrect, you will pass this difficult exam. This is why the written and audio explanations are so important. We help you master the content, so you can PASS your exam.
Series 65 Questions Explained
Each week on Wednesday we post a new Question of the Week video on our YouTube page. Check out this QOTW video in which Suzy explains 10 practice questions. Visit our YouTube page, follow and turn notifications ON to view future QOTW videos when posted.

Series 65 Exam Prep Course with Suzy Rhoades
Of course, if you are really serious about passing this exam we have a course for you. Join Suzy as she teaches you everything you need to know to pass this difficult exam. Suzy crafted a precise course aimed at those with no background in the securities industry. Want to know more about this course? Select the Securities Exam Prep option from our available courses drop-down.