Best Series 65 Exam Prep

Looking for the best Series 65 exam prep course?

What makes our Series 65 exam prep course the best? Simple, we have the best instructor in the nation, Suzy Rhoades, who has been teaching people to pass the Series 65 exam for over 20 years. She has designed the best Series 65 exam prep course for beginners. Don’t know anything about stocks or bonds? No problem! Suzy will start with the basics and use them as core building blocks to have you ready to take the Series 65 exam in no time.

Our Series 65 course is primarily video-based and provides an excellent online representation of a live lecture class, which is where Suzy got her start. Want proof of what makes our course the best, check out a full-length sample video below:

Series 65 Classroom Training

How do you know if an online course is any good? Well, first and foremost, you should be able to find out who created and presents the course. Our Series 65 classroom training online course creator and presenter is Suzy Rhoades. With over 20 years of experience preparing people to pass securities exams, Suzy has created the best Series 65 online course offered exclusively on PassMasters.

Series 65 Practice Exams

In our Series 65 online course, Suzy will personally explain over 2,300 practice/final exam questions. How is this possible? We are the only provider to include an mp3 file with each and every question in our online Series 65 program. Answer a question and just not clear why you got it wrong? Press play and Suzy will explain it to you.

What is the best Series 65 exam prep course based upon?

Our Series 65 course was entirely created based upon the actual exam outline as published by the NASAA. The exam outline is our roadmap, and Suzy follow it to a “T” when creating our Series 65 class. Below you will find the four areas of concentration of the exam, followed by the actual exam outline:

  • Economic factors and business information
  • Investment vehicle characteristics
  • Client investment recommendations and strategies
  • Laws, regulations, and guidelines on unethical business practices

Click below to view the exam outline:

“I just would like to say thank you so much for all of your help. I took the test the first time back in August after using another course and I did not pass. I took it again on Halloween after taking your course and passed. Your course outline is very helpful and everyone is very eager to answer your questions. I will be taking the Series 63 in 2 weeks and I will be using PassMasters again. Once again thank you for all of your help.”


Series 65 Student, FL

Better than just a Series 65 classroom training course:

Our online course also includes a full Series 65 book in pdf format. It is broken down into smaller digestible learning modules. We suggest you print each section out, read it, and have it handy to take notes as you watch Suzy break down difficult concepts and make them easy to understand. Study online with the best Series 65 prep book available.

Additionally, our Series 65 classroom training course also includes over 2,300 practice exam questions, each with a detailed written and audio explanation. We are proud to say we are the only test prep company in the industry to offer an instructor audio explanation for each and every question in our course. Answer a question and then listen to Suzy explain exactly why the correct answer is correct and the incorrect answers are incorrect.

“I passed the exam with plenty of room to spare. If you follow the program by studying the materials first, watching the videos, and, then, taking the exams, you will have enough knowledge to easily pass the test. I liked being able to take the course on my terms without having to drive over 90 miles in heavy traffic to attend a class.”


Series 65 Student, AZ

If you are interested in learning more about how our exams are formatted in our online course, take a FREE Series 65 exam. Of course, you can also check out our Series 65 student testimonials. Feedback from real people who are passing the Series 65 test.

The best series 65 exam prep questions explained

Each week on Wednesday we post a new Question of the Week video on our YouTube page. Check out this QOTW video in which Suzy explains 10 exam questions. Visit our YouTube page, follow and turn notifications ON to view future QOTW videos when posted.

Series 65 Exam Prep with Suzy

Series 65 classroom training online with Suzy Rhoades

Of course, if you are really serious about passing this exam we have a course for you. Join Suzy as she teaches you everything you need to know to pass this difficult exam. Suzy crafted a precise course aimed at those with no background in the securities industry. Want to know more about our Series 65 study materials? Select the Securities Exam Prep option from our available courses drop-down.