Life Insurance Exam Prep Course with Suzy Rhoades

Series 6 Exam Prep with Suzy

Suzy Rhoades, owner of PassMasters, has created the best all-in-one online Life Insurance exam prep course. If you are beginning your journey to prepare to pass the Life Insurance exam, or have already unsuccessfully taken the life exam, our Life Insurance exam prep course will give you everything you need to PASS this difficult exam. Read on to learn more about the Life Insurance course that is helping people all across the nation pass the exam.

In our Life Insurance course, the material is broken down into sections that correspond with the content outline. Each section consists of four parts: a pdf to read, a video to watch, essential concepts to know, and a section review exam to practice! At the end of the sections, you will have a final exam to master. You will get everything you need to PASS the Life Insurance exam for only $125 for 90 days of unlimited access. If you need additional time to study, that is no problem, additional 90-day access periods can be purchased for only $45.


Suzy’s Online Video Life Insurance Exam Prep Course Features Include:

Study Plan

Start your studies now, and complete them in one week, with our detailed Life Insurance course Study Plan. Know exactly what to study each day.

PDF Study Manual

Begin each section with a PDF which we recommend you print out and read before watching the related online video lecture sessions.

Video Lecture 5-Hours

In these videos, Suzy will teach everything covered in the related PDF section. For easy digestion, each video is no longer than 30 minutes.

Topic Quiz

Take a targeted topic quiz after each video to make sure you comprehend the concepts that were just presented.

Section Review Exam

End each section with a focused section review exam, which will give you the confidence to continue your studies.

Final Exam

Complete your studies with a final exam that is weighted exactly like the real exam. Pass this and you are ready for the real exam.

About our Instructor:

Suzy was born to be in the spotlight. Before graduating from the University of Arizona in Tucson, AZ, Suzy became involved in her parent’s small business which provided test prep and continuing education services to the local markets of Phoenix and Tucson. Shortly after graduating with a degree in accounting, Suzy became more involved in training by running the Insurance and Securities School of Colorado, in Denver. 

Combining her love of performing (she played Shelby in Steel Magnolias not once but twice!) and her love of helping others, Suzy designs her classes to be accessible to everyone. With a no-nonsense approach, Suzy brings humor and real-world examples to what feels like a foreign language to most students. When she is not teaching students about financial products you will find Suzy teaching students about yoga! A life-long passion of hers, she became a registered yoga teacher in 2017. Suzy will fill you with both the knowledge and the confidence you need to master the content and pass the exam! She has trained thousands of students just like you over the past 25+ years!


Recent Student Testimonials:

“I passed the Series 6 exam the first time using PassMasters. I watched all of Suzy’s videos and did all of her practice exams. The Series 6 exam is not easy. However, I learned the concepts behind the questions they asked using this course. I would recommend this course to anyone interested in a securities license. I will be back to do the Series 65!”



“I sat for my SIE exam last night and PASSED on my first attempt!! I am over the moon proud of myself, and I can’t thank Suzy enough for her expert instruction and her ability to teach in a way that suits my learning needs. I feel so blessed to have come across PassMasters. I have already purchased your series 65 course to start today, and I can’t wait to get started! From the bottom of my heart, thank you, thank you, thank you!! I could not have done it without your program.”


New York

“I am a CPA, CMA, etc. with multiple credentials and no stranger to passing exams. I started studying for the 65 using competitor products which were voluminous and frustrating. I searched for alternatives and found Suzy. Boy was I glad! The material was manageable and easy to follow. Within 4 weeks I passed the 65 on my first attempt. I could not have done this without Suzy. I am now taking SIE since I am planning to add a 7. This would NOT have been possible without you guys. I would have probably gotten discouraged and given up with the competitor materials. Thank you for making this manageable!”



Insurance Exam Prep Course FAQ’s:

What is the cost of the course?

The course tuition for the general Life Insurance Exam Prep course $125. This provides you immediate access to the entire course for an initial access period of 90 days. The initial access period begins on the date of course purchase. Need more time to study? No problem. You can extend your course access for an additional 90-day period once your course access expires for a fee of $45. Some states include insurance law. If your state includes the law course tuition is $175, with a $49 renewal fee.

What makes your course different than others?

Simple. Our course was designed and is presented by an expert, with over 25 years of experience, who actually cares if you pass. Our course was created based on the exam outline, with no additional fluff. If you don’t need to know it for the exam, we don’t cover it.

We know who the big names are in financial services training. Who wrote their course? Who presents it? Can you easily find that out? Do they ever update their course? Do they cover concepts you don’t even need to know? Do they care if you pass? Here at PassMasters, we do!

Who created the course?

Our insurance exam prep courses are created by Suzy Rhoades, who is the owner of PassMasters. She is your online course instructor, your biggest cheerleader!

How often is the content updated?

Constantly! As the exams change, so do our questions. Our goal is to have our materials mirror the exam as much as possible.

Do I have to follow the study plan?

The study plan was created to be your road map to success. However, it doesn’t have to be followed at all. Some students purchase our course just to watch the videos or take the practice/final exams.

You can study any or all parts of the course, and follow or not follow the study plan. It’s up to you. You can also use the study plan to finish the course studies quicker or spread your studies out to a longer period.

How many questions are included in the course?

Our life insurance course includes over 400 practice/final exam questions. Each question in the course includes a detailed written and audio explanation.

Additionally, once each exam is completed you will be able to view a detailed score report. You will also be able to view your historical data related to each exam you complete, such as the number of times you have completed it, your score the first time you attempted it, your average score, your score the last time you completed it, and the percentage of question you have attempted from that exam’s question bank.

Are the questions in your course exactly like the ones on the exam?

No, that would be illegal. We try to cover the content as closely as we can to help you pass. Although the questions on your exam will be different, our material has been written to reflect what you will need to know to pass. We are dedicated to keeping up-to-date with the content on each insurance exam.

How many hours of video lecture does the course include?

There are over 5-hours of lecture videos included in this course. Each video is no longer than 30-minutes in total length, to be easily digestible. In each video, Suzy presents the PDF Study Manual as she would in a live lecture class. Each video includes closed captioning and has a playback speed that you control.

I have taken the exam and failed, will this course help?

YES! Over the past 25 years, Suzy has helped many students who have taken an insurance and failed. Unfortunately, there is no shortcut or secret to passing this exam. That being said, if you have failed the exam, this course will help you PASS. Many students who have found themselves in this position have taken this course and found success. If they can do it, YOU can too!

What is the Life Insurance exam?

Life insurance exams will vary by state. Each state has contracted with an exam vendor. 

  • Corequisite license: None
  • Generally 50 questions, varies by state
  • Multiple-choice format
  • Time varies by state 1-hour and 30-minute time limit
  • Generally, 70% passing score, varies by state
  • Cost of the exam varies by state

We highly suggest you do an online search for your state’s insurance exam content outline and candidate handbook so you can see your state’s information.

FREE Questions/Content on YouTube

Check out a couple of videos from Suzy’s Questions of the Week Series on YouTube. In this weekly series, Suzy presents and explains questions presented directly from our courses. These videos will give you a feel for her teaching style and how the practice questions in our courses are delivered. Check out our YouTube page, subscribe and turn notifications ON to be alerted as future videos are posted.