FREE SIE Exam Prep

Free SIE Exam Prep Study Materials – Over 140 Questions

If you are studying to pass the SIE exam, and are looking for the edge you need to pass, you have come to the right place. Suzy Rhoades, our expert securities exam prep instructor, with over 20 years of experience teaching people exactly what they need to know to pass their securities licensing test on their first attempt has put together the best FREE SIE exam prep study materials for you to use right now.

On this page, you will find a plethora of FREE SIE exam prep material resources you can use to improve your understanding of the concepts you need to know to pass the SIE licensing exam. Keep in mind, all the resources provided on this page come from Suzy’s online video-based SIE study program. If you are really serious about passing this exam, Suzy is here to help. Learn more about her course here.

SIE FREE Practice Test

In Suzy’s online video-based SIE prep course she provides over 1,500 practice/final exam questions with detailed written and audio explanations. Did you know that’s more than 20 times the number of questions on the SIE exam? Below you will find some of the best free practice SIE exam questions available anywhere pulled directly from Suzy’s course.

36 FREE SIE Online Exam Questions

Are you ready to see a great representation of what you will see on the real FINRA SIE exam? Suzy has hand-picked 36 questions from her online course for you to take for free right now. Make sure to read and listen to the explanation of each question to really take advantage of this opportunity. Click here and select Securities Industry Essentials (SIE) to take the free exam.

10 SIE FREE Practice Test Questions in PDF Format

Have you been searching for free SIE test questions in pdf format? Great! Suzy has gathered 10 of the best practice questions from her course and put them in pdf format so you can view them online, save them to your computer and even print them off if you would like. Go ahead, check out the short exam here and see if you are ready to pass.

Over 95 FREE SIE Exam Prep Practice Questions Explained in Video Format

On our YouTube page, each week we post a “Questions of the Week” video with Suzy in which she presents and explains between 5-20 securities exam practice questions that come directly from our QBank. Below you will find quick access to each one that covers questions related to the SIE exam. To be alerted in the future when more are posted, subscribe to us on YouTube and turn on notifications.

FREE SIE Study Guide PDF Section

Suzy based the PDF study manual in her course on the SIE exam outline which is published by FINRA. You can view the exam outline on FINRA’s site here. Want to see what the study manual Suzy created looks like? You can view a free SIE study material section PDF from her course here.

Free SIE Exam Prep Video Lecture Session

Did you view the free PDF file of our SIE study manual above? How boring is that? Don’t fret, because, in her SIE exam prep course, Suzy breathes life into the concepts that are presented in the PDF study manual in over 15-hours of video lecture sessions. Check out a full-length FREE SIE video lecture sample below:

FREE SIE Essential Concepts Video

We think it makes sense to reinforce those concepts presented in an SIE course that is most likely to be asked about on the actual exam, don’t you? For this reason, Suzy has created an SIE review source like no other. Once you complete your studies of a section you will have access to our Essential Concepts video review. Each review video will include bullet points that summarize likely questions you will see on the SIE exam about a particular concept and what you have to know about the concept to get it right. Check out a sample below:

“Hi, Suzy!!

I want to thank you A MILLION TIMES!!! I passed my SIE on my first try and it was because you helped me enormously. You helped me not just memorize the right answers, but genuinely learn why those answers were right. In addition, I typically get quite nervous for standardized tests, and you really gave me a lot of confidence and I remembered the tricks you taught me during the exam! Your videos are filled with laughter and fun stories to keep you focused even when you are tired! Thank you SO SO MUCH! Really truly thank you!”


SIE Student

“Hi, I purchased a course from Knopman, Kaplan, Solomon, STC, Securities Institute of America, and PassMasters for the SIE. In studying for the SIE, I found PassMasters and Suzy to be the best course and the easiest to explain and digest the material.”


SIE Student